After a busy January it was so nice to finally have a relaxing month. No pressure, no extra expense (although the extra expense in January is always worth it).
February is always my month to finally feel the comedown and peace after Christmas. With my fiance's birthday and our anniversary in January I am still in GO GO GO mode.
I had some challenges with my mental health and also not feeling very well BUT I didn't let it get me down and managed to use the tools I have in place to make sure it was a good month!
This was my February-
My mum owns her own dog boarding business and getting time off from that can be hard for her. Her holidays are based around when other people are not having holidays.
She had a free week in August so offered to take me and my boys on holiday. We initially looked at UK breaks but then decided to look at where we can fly to as the money isn't a huge amount different. Amsterdam is on her bucket list and, although I've been there, it is on my bucket list to take my boys.
I'm looking forward to being able to show them the places I've been to before, introducing them to my favourite Dutch food and maybe being able to show off some of the Dutch I know.
Food Addiction Progress
I started to attend OA meetings and my life has changed SO MUCH!! I've lost 8lb so far so from that aspect I feel amazing, but it's also changed my life mentally so much too.
Craig David!
My fiance sent me a post on Instagram promoting Craig David going to Norwich in June. I sent back "Yes please! Thank you. We don't have the boys that weekend, thank you for buying the tickets". I didn't expect him to then buy them!
Although I think it's more of his Ibiza Party kind of gig rather than singing his classics I'm really looking forward to it!
New piercing!
I have well over 100 tattoos but when it comes to piercings I am a bit of a wimp. I have challenged that and last year got 4 more ear piercings, adding to the other 6 that I had (3 in each ear, then an additional 2 in each ear).
Years ago I had my Helix pierced (with a gun, do not recommend) and then another 2 underneath which were pierced correctly, with a needle)but they never healed properly and as a result I removed them (sat in front of a mirror with pliers, not fun!)
I decided to be brave and go to my friend who pierces (she did 2 of my ear piercings last year and also my nose piercing the year before) She always makes me laugh whenever she's piercing me so I knew I would feel comfortable and relaxed.
I went for an upgraded piercing so I could get something a little fancier and...I love it! Despite my previous trauma it didn't hurt as much as I expected and I think it looks so pretty!
Only downside is that now I want a similar one on the other ear.......
Two things ticked off my bucket list
I can't yet tick off taking the boys to Amsterdam from my bucket list BUT at least I know that it will be happening this year. However, the two things I can tick off are "Write a list of 25 things I like about myself" (not as easy as you may think) and also "Only drink water for a week". I did allow myself a coffee in the morning and on 3 days I had one in the afternoon but other than that, it was just water. I find myself more often than not, easily reaching for a can of coke when thirsty and not really hydrating myself properly. It's been easier than I thought, although I have had the temptation of drinking coke and it also stopped us doing Pub Friday. BUT I think this will be a huge step also with my food addiction recovery too. Having water when I think I might be hungry and also drinking water with dinner.