25 Things I Like About Myself

My bucket list includes "Make a list of 25 things I like about myself".
It feels like it might be easy. Just 25 things that you like about yourself. It's really not.
"List 25 things you dislike about yourself" would be easier but....just 25? I could list more than that!
And I guess that's the reason behind me putting that on my list back in 2023. To push myself out of my comfort zone and really look at what I like about myself. Because surely, there must be things to like.

I'm starting this on the 9th of February at 8:51am. I will keep in it drafts until I complete the list. 
Maybe I'll complete it today, maybe it will take a day or two, maybe a few weeks. I don't know. 
But I'm in a place in my life where I need to really focus on the good in me. The things I like. The things I am proud of.
  1. I am authentic

  2. I am a good mum

  3. I have a good heart

  4. I have a backbone

  5. My hair

  6. I am brave

  7. I am passionate 

  8. I'm creative

  9. I'm not ashamed of the things I believe in

  10. I work hard

  11. I stand up for myself

  12. I am a cheerleader for those close to me and for those I care about

  13. I share my experiences with mental health challenges to help others

  14. I'm not afraid to compliment people

  15. I love learning new things

  16. I challenge myself

  17. I accept and recognise my flaws 

  18. Although I accept my flaws I also work on ways I can better myself

  19. My tattoos

  20. I have a good sense of humour

  21. I am unapologetic about being giggly and emotional

  22. I embrace my quirks and am not ashamed of them

  23. I challenge my mental health conditions

  24. I’m not afraid to try new things

  25. I fangirl when I meet celebrities and people I idolise (links back to authentic)

  26. I push my anxiety, which then almost puts me into show off mode and I love that side of me too

  27. I am proud of myself

  28. I still blog. Despite not getting the views I did before and the community not being alive anymore I do it for me.

  29. I collect things that make me happy.

  30. I don't hide my emotions

  31. I’m not afraid to try new things with my appearance despite it not fitting trends and despite my age.

  32. I love the music I love, even if others around me don't.

  33. I like pushing/encouraging people out of their comfort zones

It's now 10:19am on the 9th of February and I did it. Not only did I make a list of 25 things, I surpassed that and made a list of 33. 
Maybe now I reflect on this and challenge myself to get that list to 50. But for the moment, I can tick the list of 25 off my bucket list as completed.
And for someone who doesn't feel like she likes herself a lot at the moment, maybe I like myself more than I thought.