It feels like it might be easy. Just 25 things that you like about yourself. It's really not.
I am authentic
I am a good mum
I have a good heart
I have a backbone
My hair
I am brave
I am passionate
I'm creative
I'm not ashamed of the things I believe in
I work hard
I stand up for myself
I am a cheerleader for those close to me and for those I care about
I share my experiences with mental health challenges to help others
I'm not afraid to compliment people
I love learning new things
I challenge myself
I accept and recognise my flaws
Although I accept my flaws I also work on ways I can better myself
My tattoos
I have a good sense of humour
I am unapologetic about being giggly and emotional
I embrace my quirks and am not ashamed of them
I challenge my mental health conditions
I’m not afraid to try new things
I fangirl when I meet celebrities and people I idolise (links back to authentic)
I push my anxiety, which then almost puts me into show off mode and I love that side of me too
I am proud of myself
I still blog. Despite not getting the views I did before and the community not being alive anymore I do it for me.
I collect things that make me happy.
I don't hide my emotions
I’m not afraid to try new things with my appearance despite it not fitting trends and despite my age.
I love the music I love, even if others around me don't.
I like pushing/encouraging people out of their comfort zones