It always feels like starting a blog project is such a big commitment. There have been various that I have started or have wanted to start but then never followed through with.
In March I decided that instead of writing monthly update posts, to instead write "Quarter Reviews".
I've really enjoyed doing it and it's been lovely looking back over a 3 month period and is definitely something I will continue into next year.

So the last 3 months have just been....wonderful. It's so nice to be able to look back and smile and to have so many lovely, happy memories.

I got my first speeding ticket...not a happy memory. And also had a rather 'meh' moment due to a smear test result and biopsy coming back abnormal but the positive from this....I didn't feel the anxiety and fear I once would have done. I surprised myself and other than one 10 minute breakdown when I first got the results I then went through the biopsy and the cell removal procedure with very little worries.
The results came back that there was something there but caught in time so I'm grateful, SO grateful for smear tests.

My absolute highlights and the top top best bits have definitely been seeing James Arthur at the Apollo and seeing Dermot Kennedy at the UEA in Norwich. I'd been looking forward to seeing them both for so long and they didn't disappoint. In fact seeing James Arthur made me like him even more!
Music has been such a big part of my life, well always really, but especially this year and as a result these two 'gigs' (I got in trouble for calling them concerts...only old people call them concerts now) were super special and a bit thing for me.

December was busy with various Christmas social things with work which meant staying in Watford on 3 occasions.
The first time, I came home and just felt so depressed. To the point I went to my mums house to take her to the bus station when she went to visit my brother and I just broke down.
Working in Watford has been such an amazing experience this year, and a big part of that is down to the people who work there and who I would like to consider friends and I guess because I am a loser I come home and miss being around them. Even 5 minutes in a office with them can bring my mood up so high.
That feeling of being accepted by people who you look up to, who are influential and just all round amazing people is so overwhelming to me.

Another high from the last 3 months was feeling a lot more confident in who I am, choices I make, how I should, or shouldn't, be treated and actually feeling strong enough to walk away from situations that I don't want to be a part of. And not being afraid to say "I deserve better".

I guess I didn't really want to end the year single BUT I've spent a lot of the year reflecting on what I want, who I want, and what is important to me. Maybe it's something I'll focus on next year. Maybe it isn't?

I will see in the New Year with my children and to me that ends the final quarter perfectly.